Baptism is a sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ by which people enter the Christian Church and through which the sins of mankind are removed, so starting on the road to sharing in the life of God himself. It is only administered once in a person's lifetime but may be performed at any age. For many centuries, in our country, baptisms have been conferred on babies or very young children. In recent time many people have been adults before they have been baptised.
When a baby or young child is baptised, the Church asks parents and Godparents to make certain promises on behalf of the child. They also promise to see that the child is brought up in the Christian faith. By being baptised, a child is entering into membership of the Church and so the Church is keen that they are given every help in their lives as Christians. Parents and Godparents are required to attend a preparation session with the parish priest prior to the baptism. When an older child or adult is baptised there will usually be several preparation sessions before the actual baptism. Here they will learn about, and be given the opportunity to, discuss the Christian faith. They will make the promises for themselves and often will be Confirmed in the same service as they are baptised. Here at Holy Angels, baptism is usually conferred during the Sunday Mass. On some occasions it may be more appropriate that the baptism takes place at another time, in consultation with the PCC.
“Made a member of Christ’s family.”