Wednesday 5 March - ASH WEDNESDAY
Day of fasting and abstinence - one meal without meat permitted
Masses with Ashing at 11.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.
both followed by Confessions in the Lady Chapel - please sign list at back of church
Friday 28 March
Wedding of Jakob and Georgia
Wednesday 9 April - Lichfield Cathedral
Canon Paul celebrates Mass at the High Altar
Monday 14 April - Lichfield Cathedral
Chrism Mass and festival with lunch with Bishop Paul of Oswestry
Saturday 17 May
See of Oswestry North Midlands Festival at Holy Angels
Saturday 7/Sunday 8 June
Hoar Cross Open Gardens with tea
Tuesday 10 June
Tutbury Deanery Synod at 7.30 p.m. at Holy Angels